Safety and health in educational establishments

Project No. FF-FP0438 abc - attentive, bethought, clever! Strengthening executive functions and selfregulation as basic skills for safety, health and academic success in primary school

Project No. FF-FP0453 Mental stress and strain of young children in early childcare: development and testing of an observation-based risk assessment.

Project No. FF-FP0461 Development of a new method with the aim of analysing N-nitrosamines in workplace air within the scope of occupational safety - NNOccSafe

Project No. FF-FP0469 Development and evaluation of a test standard for the effectiveness of air purifiers in reducing the viral load in indoor air

Project No. FF-FP0490 Process analysis and recommendations for the practical application of circumstance-oriented student surveys for health-promoting improvement of study conditions (using the example of the Bielefeld Questionnaire)"
